Tag: netlify (10)
- Netlify: Hugo Site Build Failure - Configuration Error, Invalid Filename
- Scaling my sites by 12x by moving to Tailwind
2020-10-27 | cases | iamhamy | netlify | semantic-ui | tailwind |
- Netlify: How to migrate sites to a new domain without losing PageRank / SEO
- Netlify: Error building Hugo site - `Error: Error building site: open /opt/build/repo/content: no such file or directory`
- How I scale my sites to 500k* users per month for free*
- I can serve ~533,000 visitors (~927,000 page views) of my sites per month for free with Netlify
- Hugo: Schedule site rebuilds on Netlify with GitLab CI
- Netlify: How to configure subdomains for sites
- I moved my sites from Google Kubernetes Engine to Netlify and saved $1000 / year (plus numerous hours of maintenance)
2019-12-24 | gke | google-cloud | iamhamy | netlify |
- Netlify: How to configure build for a Hugo site in a nested folder