Tag: fsharp
- 5 Reasons the Hedgehog (🦔) is a great F# mascot
- The HAM Stack - A Simple Scalable Tech Stack for building modern web apps fast and cheap
2024-02-21 | create | tech | hamstack | fsharp | hypermedia | moduliths |
- F# HTML DSL benchmarks for deeply nested pages - Falco.Markup vs Giraffe.ViewEngine vs Feliz.ViewEngine
2024-02-12 | create | tech | fsharp | html | benchmarks | giraffe | falco | feliz |
- Comparing F# HTML DSLs for Rendering long web pages - Falco.Markup vs Giraffe.ViewEngine vs Feliz.ViewEngine
2024-02-02 | create | tech | fsharp | benchmarks | giraffe | falco | feliz | html |
- F# Early Returns - Simple if/else early returns (no monads!)
- How I got interested in F#
- The best way to get started learning and building with F#
- 3 Areas I'm exploring to build more side projects faster and cheaper in 2024
2024-01-13 | create | business | tech | projects | cloudseed | fsharp |
- How I host my Server-Side-Rendered F# site on Google Cloud for less than $1 per month
2024-01-09 | create | tech | business | fsharp | google-cloud | cloud-run | serverless-containers |
- Building ASP.NET apps with Tailwind CSS
2024-01-05 | create | tech | dotnet | tailwind | fsharp | docker | containers |