Advent of Code 2024 - Day 3 in F#

Date: 2024-12-03 | advent-of-code | build | create | fsharp |

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In this post I'll share my solution to Advent of Code 2024 Day 3 using F#.

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Day 3 - Part 1



  • Jumbled instructions


  • Find valid instruction
    • Valid instruction is of form mul(X,Y)
      • Where X, Y are numbers
  • Then sum all of the values


  • A: Finding valid / invalid instructions
    • A.1: Use Regex
      • Can precisely describe the valid commands and pull them out
    • A.2: Some sort of parsng
      • We could do parsing ourselves - find start mul( and end )
      • But this can quickly get complicated w lots of logic ourselves
      • The required regex here is pretty straightforward so prob is better
  • B: Summing products
    • B.1: Once we have the multiply statements, can pull out X and Y, multiply and add them


  • A: Pull out multiply instructions, add products
    • Use Regex to pull out multiply instructions - O(~n) but could be more expensive at O(2^n)
    • Sum the products


let read_all_input_text: unit -> string = fun () -> 
    let exe_dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)
    let file_path = Path.Combine(exe_dir, "Static", "day_3_input.txt")
    let all_text = File.ReadAllText(file_path)


let read_all_mul_values_from_input
    (all_text: string)
    : (int * int) list 
    let mul_regex_pattern = @"mul\((\d+),(\d+)\)"

    let matches = Regex.Matches(all_text, mul_regex_pattern)

    |> (fun m ->
        let a = int m.Groups[1].Value 
        let b = int m.Groups[2].Value 
        (a, b) 
    |> Seq.toList

let solve_part1 = fun () -> 

    printfn "Day 3.1: Solving"

    let total = 
        |> read_all_mul_values_from_input 
        |> List.sumBy (fun t -> 
            let a, b = t 
            a * b

    printfn "Day 3.1: Total: %A" total

My answer: 175015740 -> Accepted

Day 3 - Part 2



  • Same input as above


  • Sum products of mul instructions
    • Valid instructions are:
      • mul(X,Y)
      • Don't have a don't() clause in front of them / or have a do() clause before them
        • do() -> on
        • don't() -> off


  • A: Finding enabled / disabled sections
    • A.1: Could do a big old regex
      • But this is kinda hard to read - regex gets v complicated fast
    • A.2: Could pre-process enabled / disabled sections of strings - O(n), n
      • Pre-process enabled vs disabled
      • Put together enabled sections
      • Then run mul regex on enabled only
      • How:
        • Find all don'ts
        • Find all do's
        • Parse over indexes finding sections where they are enabled vs disabled
          • Enabled - do - next don't that's larger than it
        • Create new string with just those indices together
        • Pass into mul sumby


  • A: Pre-process enabled / disabled sections, pass into vals


let get_all_starting_indices 
    (all_text: string)
    (regex_pattern: string)
    : int list 

    Regex.Matches(all_text, regex_pattern) 
    |> (fun m -> m.Index)
    |> List.ofSeq

let get_enabled_input_sections 
    (all_text: string) 
    : string 

    let dont_string = @"don't\(\)"
    let do_string = @"do\(\)"

    let all_dont_indices = 

    let all_do_indices = 

    * Do section is do -> next don't 
    * Don't section is don't -> next do

    * Sliding window - first do to first don't (or end) 

    let first_dont_index = all_dont_indices[0]

    let mutable do_index = 0 
    let mutable dont_index = 1 
    let mutable processed_string_index = first_dont_index
    let mutable all_enabled_indices: (int * int) List = List<(int * int)>()
    all_enabled_indices.Add((0, first_dont_index))

    while do_index < all_do_indices.Length && dont_index < all_dont_indices.Length do 
        // Find next do
        let mutable next_do_string_pointer = 0 
        while do_index < all_do_indices.Length && next_do_string_pointer <= processed_string_index do
            next_do_string_pointer <- all_do_indices[do_index]
            do_index <- do_index + 1

        // Find next don't 

        let mutable next_dont_string_pointer = 0
        while (dont_index < all_dont_indices.Length 
            && (next_dont_string_pointer <= processed_string_index
                || next_dont_string_pointer <= next_do_string_pointer)) do
            next_dont_string_pointer <- all_dont_indices[dont_index]
            dont_index <- dont_index + 1 

        all_enabled_indices.Add((next_do_string_pointer, next_dont_string_pointer))
        processed_string_index <- next_dont_string_pointer

    // Catch case where we still have a do left
    if do_index < all_do_indices.Length && dont_index >= all_do_indices.Length then
        let mutable next_do_string_pointer = all_do_indices[do_index]
        while do_index < all_do_indices.Length && next_do_string_pointer <= processed_string_index do
            next_do_string_pointer <- all_do_indices[do_index]
            do_index <- do_index + 1
        if next_do_string_pointer > processed_string_index then
            all_enabled_indices.Add((next_do_string_pointer, all_text.Length - 1))

    |> (fun indices -> 
        let start, end_index = indices 

    |> String.concat ""

let solve_part2 = fun() -> 

    printfn "Day 3.2: Solving"

    let total = 
        |> get_enabled_input_sections
        |> read_all_mul_values_from_input 
        |> List.sumBy (fun t -> 
            let a, b = t 
            a * b

    printfn "Day 3.2: Total: %A" total

My Answer -> Accepted


  • I am not very happy with this code - I think the sliding window stuff is over complicated and there's probably a more functional, easier to read version utilizing built-ins.
  • I got hung up on a few edge cases - like treating the first part as enabled and dealing with a final do() statement


This one was a little tricky and I don't love my solution to this but it works and sometimes you just have to be okay with that.

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