Advent of Code 2024 - Day 2 in F#
Date: 2024-12-02 | advent-of-code | build | create | fsharp |
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In this post I'll share my solution to Advent of Code 2024 Day 2 using F#.
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Day 2 - Part 1
My Takeaway:
Part 1
* List of reports
* One report per line
* Report is a list of numbers called `levels` separated by spaces
* Figure out which reports are safe
* Safe if:
* All increasing or decreasing
* Levels differ by at least one and at most 3
* Return count of safe reports
* A: Parse safety, then count - O(3n), 2n
* Parse out data into reports - O(n), n
* Iterate over reports to get safety - O(n), n
* Check all increasing or decreasing
* Check if levels differ by 1-3
* Sum safety to get final count - O(n)
let is_report_safe
(report: int list)
: bool
if report.Length <= 1
then true
let first = report[0]
let second = report[1]
let is_descending = first >= second
let are_pairs_safe =
|> List.pairwise
|> (fun pair ->
let first = fst pair
let second = snd pair
if first = second
then false
if (first >= second) <> is_descending
then false
let difference = abs (first - second)
if difference < 1 || difference > 3
then false
|> List.forall id
let solve_part1 = fun () ->
printfn "Problem 2.1: Solving"
let exeDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)
let filePath = Path.Combine(exeDir, "Static", "day_2_input.txt")
let lines = File.ReadLines(filePath)
let all_reports =
|> (fun l ->
l.Split(" ")
|> (fun i -> int i)
let total_safe_reports =
|> (fun report -> is_report_safe (report |> List.ofArray))
|> Seq.filter (fun report_safety -> report_safety = true)
|> Seq.length
printfn "Problem 2.1: Total Safe Reports - %A" total_safe_reports
My Answer -> Accepted
Some notes:
- I'm using the
if / then / else
format for simple early returns. A more functional approach would likely use railroading but sometimes I find guard statements easier to read. - List.pairwise turns a list into a list of tuples containing all pairs
Day 2 - Part 2
My Takeaways:
Part 2
* Same reports as above
* Count safe reports - assuming you canremove up to 1 bad level
* Removal removes that one level but rest of report must remain okay
Solution: -> A: Simple, reuses code
* A: Same approach as above but if it fails, we try to see if can make it succeed - O(n * m^2)
* Same as above
* For failure cases - try to see if can succeed:
* Brute force - try each combo of the list with one removal
* If any succeed - take it as a success and try again
* B: ~Single pass - O(n * 3m)
* Intuition - if we only have one failure case then there are only 3 values we
need to check - x-1, x, x + 1 - if none of those succeed then we'd have to
remove more than one item to get a "safe" report
* This is similar to A but limits retries to 3n
- I decided to go with Solution A as it seemed simplest to get right. This may not be the optimal Leetcode solution but for this case A seems easier to reason about, utilizes already-tested code, and is not that much slower so here seems like a better choice overall since we don't foresee any perf issues with it.
Code: (is_report_safe
is reused from above code)
let remove_at_index
(list: int list)
(index: int)
: int list
List.concat [
list.[0..index - 1]
list.[index + 1..]
let is_report_safe_using_dampener
(report: int list)
: bool
// If og report is safe -> return true
if (is_report_safe report)
then true
// hamy: exists to short-circuit on first "true" value
seq { - 1}
|> Seq.exists(fun index ->
remove_at_index report index
|> is_report_safe
let solve_part2 = fun () ->
printfn "Problem 2.2: Solving"
let exe_dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)
let file_path = Path.Combine(exe_dir, "Static", "day_2_input.txt")
let lines = File.ReadLines(file_path)
let all_reports =
|> (fun l ->
l.Split(" ")
|> (fun i -> int i)
let total_safe_reports =
|> (fun report -> report |> List.ofArray)
|> (
fun report ->
is_report_safe_using_dampener report)
|> Seq.filter (fun report_safety -> report_safety = true)
|> Seq.length
printfn "Problem 2.2: Total Safe Reports - %A" total_safe_reports
My answer -> Accepted
See my other AOC 2024 solutions in F# here.
HAMINIONs Members get full access to the project files so you can git clone
and run it yourself.
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