Why I'm Starting a Podcast as a Software Engineer

Date: 2024-09-11 | create | share | podcast | hamy-labs-pod |

I'm starting a podcast - The HAMY LABS Pod!

In this post I'll explain what it's about, why I'm making it, and how you can listen.

Listen now: HAMY LABS Pod (also available on most streaming services)

What is the Podcast about?

I typically write posts about Simple Scalable Systems - for software, Creation Cycles, and indie hackers. These are things I think a lot about in my career as a software engineer and hobby building side projects.

I then turn these posts into videos and publish them on my YouTube channel - HAMY LABS.

HAMY LABS Pod will be an audio-only form of these videos. This means that not all videos will end up on the podcast (some videos require the visual elements to be useful) but a good portion of them will be.

For an idea of the kinds of episodes the podcast will have, you can scroll through my HAMY LABS Podcast playlist on YouTube.

Why am I making the Podcast?

Podcasting is pretty saturated these days so it's unlikely this will go well financially - but I still think it's a good idea for me for a few reasons.

I like Sharing ideas - Sharing helps me explore, refine, and test my ideas which generally results in better ideas overall. So pod or not I will still be compiling and publishing these Shares long-term.

Low extra work - I'm already writing these posts and converting them into vodcasts for YouTube. The amount of work required to turn these vodcasts into podcasts is negligible so there's little downside (this is important due to my very low Shares revenue)

Potential for increased audience - Most of my personal content consumption comes in the form of blog posts and podcasts. So it's interesting that I've been publishing my vodcasts in a form that I personally rarely consume. Repackaging as a podcast allows me to reach more people who consume like I do and potentially bump my numbers.

My guess is that the podcast will not lead to significant audience or revenue increases based on the historical stats of my vodcasts on YouTube. But I still think it's worthwhile because I enjoy it, it's useful, and at least a few people seem to like the content - this passes my 3 side project validations so worth a shot.

Where can you find the Podcast?

HAMY LABS Pod should be available anywhere you listen to podcasts. If it's not, please let me know and I'll try to fix that - it's likely I've set something up wrong.

If you aren't into podcasts and prefer other media instead, you can find most of the episodes in different forms:


Overall I'm pretty stoked to have a podcast. It's something I've thought about for awhile but always seemed like a big lift.

Now the lift is pretty small because I've been doing the thing in everything but name for several years now. Cool to see how consistent outputs stack up.

Let me know in the comments what topics / content you'd like to see from me - this gives me ideas for what to make next.

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