1 Simple Reason to Build your Next Web App with HTMX

Date: 2024-08-30 | create | projects | tech | htmx | web-apps |

This year I've been exploring HTMX for building webapps fast and cheap. I've built several projects with HTMX and written many posts about my experiences.

Here's the #1 reason why I think you should consider building your next web app with HTMX.

Why build with HTMX?

The answer is simple - HTMX makes it simpler to build modern web apps.

  • Build apps as Multi-Page Applications (MPAs)
  • Sprinkle in HTMX to achieve UX of Single-Page Applications (SPAs)
  • HTMX plays nice with HTML, using native-adjacent techniques you're already familiar with (request, response, html)

This allows you to achieve a lot of functionality with very little extra features / complexities - it's basically just Hypermedia.

This means that if your technology can handle web requests and HTML then it can run HTMX. This makes it easy to add to existing MPAs and gives you the flexibility to build with basically any programming language / server combo you want.

All in all it's simple. No new paradigms. No new frameworks.

Just plain old HTML with the ability to send web requests from more places and more precise control for where to put the HTML responses.


I've thoroughly enjoyed learning about and building with HTMX this year. It's allowed me to build more fullstack apps faster and cheaper using the technologies I love - largely backend F#.

Q: Why do you like / dislike HTMX? What are you using to build web apps?

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