Checkout Source Code from Google Code using SubClipse and Eclipse

Date: 2013-11-18 |

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This tutorial will guide you through the process of checking out source code from a Google Code repository using SVN into an Eclipse workspace.  Before this guide will be of any use to you, you’re going to want to first install SVN onto your computer. * You can find up-to-date versions at  Subclipse is a good alternative that interfaces directly with the Eclipse environment – you can download that here:*

  • Create a project in Eclipse where you’ll store the checked out files locally
  • Right-click on the project you just created and click Team -> Share Project…
  • Assuming you have the SubClipse plugin successfully installed, you should see an SVN option.  Select it and hit next.
  • In the URL field provided, put your Google Code project’s **SVN checkout URL **(You can find this URL by navigating to the **Source -> Checkout ** page)

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