P5 Python: The Nature of Code exercise i.7
Date: 2020-04-11 | natureofcode | p5 | python |
I'm working my way through The Nature of Code using Python's p5 package and posting my creations as I go. Exercise i.7's prompt was to use Perlin Noise to modify the walker's step offsets. I decided to do something a little different, preferring to draw horizontal lines made of "noise". Here's what I came up with:
And here's the code I used to make it happen:
# i.7.py
# prompt - blah blah do something with perlin noise
from p5 import *
from random import randint
from typing import Optional
from utils.walker import Walker
should_start: bool = False
location_x: int = 0
y_increment: int = 100
y_base: float = y_increment
def setup():
size(640, 640)
def draw():
global should_start, location_x, y_value, octaves, y_increment, y_base
if should_start:
# code here
value_2 = noise(location_x*10) * 10
y_value = y_base + value_2
circle((location_x, y_value), 1)
location_x = location_x + 1
if location_x >= 640:
location_x = 0
y_base = y_base + y_increment
if y_value > 640:
y_value = 640
if y_value < 0:
y_value = 0
def key_pressed():
global should_start
if key == " ":
should_start = True
def main():
# walker.py
from p5 import *
class Walker:
x: float
y: float
def __init__(self, x: float = 0, y: float = 0) -> None:
self.x = x
self.y = y
def move(self, x_offset: float, y_offset: float) -> None:
self.x += x_offset
self.y += y_offset
def display(self) -> None:
circle((self.x, self.y), 1)
As you can see, I basically just draw a line across the sketch and each time it hits the other side, I reset the x value and increment the y value by a predetermined offset. I use noise to create some jitter which I use to draw a "noisey" line.
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