The Future of HAMY GAMES

Date: 2025-01-28 | explore | games | hamy-games | observe |

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TL;DR: Video Game content will be posted here on the blog under the games tag and pushed to my HAMY GAMES YouTube Channel.


I've been creating guides / blog posts on tech and video games for the past 10 years. You can find many of those posts dating back to 2013 here on my blog.

In the past few years I started creating YouTube videos and those have taken off (at least compared to my blog posts).


While it's reasonable to have these different kinds of content on my blog as people usually find it via Search (and Google know how to sort them), it's not as reasonable to do the same for my YouTube channel.

YouTube (and most social medias) are algorithm driven. Generally this means it tries to find patterns in viewers to content to creators and based on those results will push the things that are most aligned.

This is good if you have a lot of similar content as generally a viewer that likes 1 piece of content will like others and then get pushed more from that creator.

However this can be bad if you have many kinds of content as it's more likely the viewer will like that 1 piece but the others are totally irrelevant.

I currently have 2 YouTube channels that host videos for my blog:

I started finding that my video game content was doing very well on HAMY LABS but generally it left my viewers (and by extension the algorithm) confused.

  • Labs viewers wanted tech but I was giving video games
  • Games viewers wanted video games but I was giving tech


So to solve for this I'm using two different channels to host videos for my Blog posts. This is a little bit extra work for me but I think will play better to my audience and viewers and maybe stop confusing ppl on LinkedIn for why I'm posting about Mini Metro.

Idk how this will work but I figure I'll probably be playing video games, building tech, and sharing ab it for the rest of my life so might as well build a system that works long-term.


This is all just an experiment so we'll see how this works.

You can find my Games blog posts under the games tag.

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