Nova Lands - How to Build Infinite Twig Farms to Fuel Factories from Early to End Game

Date: 2024-03-29 | create | nova-lands | tech | video-games |

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Nova Lands is a factory-lite where you're tasked with building factories to produce increasingly complex resource pipelines. Twigs are foundational resources required in most resource trees so finding simple, scalable ways to produce them is crucial to avoid bottlenecks in pipelines and progress.

In this post we'll explore some Simple Scalable Systems to efficiently farm infinite twigs in Nova Lands at different stages of the game.

Early Game Infinite Twig Farm

Early Game Infinite Twig Farm


  • 1 Collector Bot
  • 1 Twig Island


  • 3-6 Coal Furnaces

Early game you will not have access to most of the technology tree. As such you'll need to rely on natural twig resources to fuel your pipelines.

Nova Lands resources are infinitely respawning and this should be enough to supply your early factories. Put your pipelines that require twigs on a twig island with 1-2 collectors and this should work through early game.

Mid Game Infinite Twig Farm

Mid Game Infinite Twig Farm


  • 6 farm plots with twig bushes
  • 2 farm plots with water trees
  • 1 seed machine (twig seeds)
  • 1 collector bot (farming)
  • 1 logistics bot (seeding)


  • 3-6 Advanced Coal Furnaces

By midgame you'll start needing twigs where they don't naturally grow. This means you'll need to setup a manual farm to infinitely produce them.

A simple 6 farm plot with twig bushes can easily supply 3-6 advanced furnaces. But there is extra overhead involved including the need to farm water and seeds alongside them.

In most cases this colocation of resource production is more efficient than trying to transport these resources long distances - at least until we unlock more technologies later.

Another benefit of artificial farming is that you can now cover more of the island with buildings without worrying about it blocking natural resources from respawning. You might consider building farms even on naturally-spawning twig islands if this becomes a bottleneck.

Late Game Infinite Twig Farm

Late Game Infinite Twig Farm


  • 1 Advanced Farm (Twig Trees)
  • 1 Logistics Bot


  • 3-6 Advanced Coal Furnaces
  • OR 2 supplies 1 Twig Packager -> 3-6 Mega Coal Furnaces

By late game you'll want to be optimizing your pipelines to produce larger amounts of resources. The bottleneck will start to shift from resource production to resource movement / logistics - moving resources from A to B.

Advanced farms allow you to grow resources without the need of a Collector Bot and with reduced logistical requirements (it automatically seeds, waters, and collects plants). If you couple this advanced farm with the upgrade Twig Trees you also remove the need for water and reseeding making it much more efficient.

This frees up your logistics bot to focus on other things and removes the need for a Collector altogether allowing you to replace it with a logistics bot, further improving the bottleneck.

One of these farms can easily supply 3-6 advanced coal furnaces and 2 can supply 1 twig packager at high utilization. These packagers are very useful late game if trying for a packaged pipeline as they'll allow you to transport 100 units for the logistical cost of 1.


Nova Lands is a fun little factory game and I think players can learn a lot about simple optimization by playing it.

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