LeetCode 1328: Break a Palindrome (TypeScript)
Date: 2023-07-19 | create | tech | typescript |
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In this post I'll share my code for solving LeetCode question 1328 - Break a Palindrome in TypeScript.
Result: Accepted
- Runtime: 66ms (beats 22%)
- Memory: 43.2MB (beats 44.44%)
This answer runs in about O(n) with constant memory. Based on the comparisons with other answers, my guess is there may be a more optimal solution but I think O(n) is reasonably good in most cases so I'm fine with this.
const swapCharacterInString = (
originalString : string,
indexToSwap : number,
characterToSwap : string
) : string => {
return originalString.substring(0, indexToSwap)
+ characterToSwap
+ originalString.substring(indexToSwap + 1)
function breakPalindrome(palindrome: string): string {
if(palindrome.length <= 1) {
return ""
const middleIndex = (palindrome.length % 2 === 1)
? Math.floor(palindrome.length / 2)
: null
for(let i = 0; i < palindrome.length; i++) {
if(middleIndex !== null
&& i === middleIndex) {
const letter = palindrome[i]
if(letter !== "a") {
// hamytodo - return with a swapped
return swapCharacterInString(
// hamytodo - return with last letter == b
return swapCharacterInString(
palindrome.length - 1,
* Given: A string that is a palindrome
* Lowercase
* Goal: Break the palindrome -> lexicographically smallest possible
* Constraint: Only change one letter
* If cannot replace character -> empty string
Best: O(n) -> potentially faster?
* A: Finding character to change to make it sortably smallest
* 1: Greedy find O(n), 1
* Normal Case:
* Search left to right for first element != "a" && != middleElemetn -> reduce to "a"
* Skip if middle element
* Edge case: If nothing found:
* Right to left -> bump last thing to "b"
* B: Identify if cannot replace anything to make it not a palindrome
* 1: Only happens if 1 character??? O(1)
* A: Check if changeable, search for smallest thing to change - O(n), 1
* B.1 - Check if only one character -> return "" - O(1)
* A.1 - Greedy find to right, swap to left - O(n), 1
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