Release notes: August 2020
Date: 2020-08-31 | reflections | release-notes |
In August 2020, I announced how I'd be voting in the 2020 election, released a clothing collection, migrated my sites from to, and worked on my project management skills.
My name is Hamilton and this is my August 2020 in review.
This month, I've really tried to build back into my habits. I think every time I move there's an adjustment period of getting used to the new environment and finding your stride - this new move was no different and I think the addition of cohabitation has made the transition take even longer.
Of note, I think I've been less habitual about working on my projects, sticking to my goals, and exercising regularly. To account for this, I've done some re-organizing of my timeline to allow for additional mental space and time to acclimate to the new environment and to ensure that I'm still on track to accomplish the most important things. Hopefully I can be a bit more habitual in September.
my 2020 vote
In my 2020 H1 review I announced my goals to build a better world with one leg of that plan being to be active in this year's presidential election cycle. The first step in that path for me was to take the time to do my research, understand the options, and make the best possible decision.
I did that and decided that this November I'll be voting for the Biden / Harris ticket in the US presidential election. I decided this based on issues of and candidate platforms for the environment, healthcare, the justice system, and foreign policy. You can read more about my thoughts and the research I did as part of this process in How I'm voting in the 2020 presidential election.
Deciding how I wanted to vote this November was the first step in being an active participant in the election. It wasn't the last.
This month I released dump45 which is a collection of images reflecting on the era of Trump. Like all HAMY.LABS projects, dump45 is part of HamForGood with its proceeds supporting the politicalaction
You can browse the collection on HAMY.SHOP
I'm committed to making a difference in this election. There's a lot at stake and I think I have a lot more to offer. Stay tuned.
iamhamy to hamy
One small change I made was to migrate all my sites from to I've been thinking about doing this on and off for several months as I thought it was simpler and more consistent with my brand but there was never really any urgency to make the change. With plans to up my output this half, I decided this was the time to do it as this change would only be more impactful with time and I wanted to start reaping the benefits as soon as possible.
I'm currently doing the domain migration which just involves redirecting all iamhamy traffic to hamy. This was relatively simple, but I have had my PageRank / SEO get hit pretty hard. As far as I can tell, there's not much you can do about this - it'll just take awhile for the systems to re-rank your new domains as high as they did the old domains. I'm hoping that releasing more projects as planned in my half goals will allow me to rebuild some of this ranking but will log my experience and share once I know more.
It feels like summer is already coming to a close. It's unfortunate as the city has only really felt like it was opening for a month or so. We've had a few chilly days in the past week and are already making plans for COVID life sans warm weather requirements. This change has spurred us to start hitting as much as we can while we can.
I've been very focused at work in the past month - I'm still trying to figure out if this is related to my relative lack of focus in my other life foci. Much of my effort has gone into kicking off new projects and building plans to share out completed projects in the form of tech talks and blog posts.
In the past few quarters, I've consistently listed project management as an area that I wanted to improve on. This month, I feel like I've really started to hit my stride in this regard - leveraging strategies for roadmapping, communicating, and prioritizing that I've been honing along the way.
That's it. I feel like my output this half has been low. I think that's okay - fluctuations happen. But I really want to finish out the quarter strong so I set myself up to be able to reach my half goals by 2021.
If you're eligible, I encourage you to 1) register to vote and double check your registration, 2) research and discuss the issues that are important to you and how each candidate's platform stacks up, and 3) to vote as early as you can. You can register at
I believe that this election will have profound, lasting impacts on our country and the world. Every single vote counts. Let's be the change we want to see in the world.
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